Kotlin Koans 22 All, Any and other predicates


All, Any and other predicates (Playground)


Implement all the functions below using all, any, count, find.

all, any, count, find を使用して、以下のすべての関数を実装してください。

val numbers = listOf(-1, 0, 2)
val isZero: (Int) -> Boolean = { it == 0 }
numbers.any(isZero) == true
numbers.all(isZero) == false
numbers.count(isZero) == 1
numbers.find { it > 0 } == 2


// Return true if all customers are from the given city
fun Shop.checkAllCustomersAreFrom(city: City): Boolean = customers.all { it.city == city }

// Return true if there is at least one customer from the given city
fun Shop.hasCustomerFrom(city: City): Boolean = customers.any { it.city == city }

// Return the number of customers from the given city
fun Shop.countCustomersFrom(city: City): Int = customers.count { it.city == city }

// Return a customer who lives in the given city, or null if there is none
fun Shop.findAnyCustomerFrom(city: City): Customer? = customers.find { it.city == city }


ラムダ式については Lambdas をおさらい。

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